Saturday, May 23, 2020
Impact Of Mother Teresa - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1143 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/05/23 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Mother Teresa Essay Did you like this example? If you were to flip through the pages of a history book, you may only find a handful of women mentioned. Despite the lack of women written about in history, there were, and still are, many strong and influential women that have made a lasting impact on the world. Such is the case with Mother Teresa. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Impact Of Mother Teresa" essay for you Create order Mother Teresa, or Saint Teresa of Calcutta, impacted the world in a way few people have done before. She devoted her life to God and the help of others that were outcasted because of wealth, or lack thereof, health, disability, and age. Mother Teresa overcame challenges and stood true to her beliefs for the entirety of her mission. Born August 26, 1910, in Skopje Macedonia, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu grew up in a faith-devoted family deeply involved in their parish. Her father, Dranafile, died when Agnes was only eight years old, so she became very close with her mother, Nikola. Nikola implanted in Agnes a deep commitment to charity and told Agnes to â€Å"never eat a single mouthful unless you are sharing it with others.†By the age of twelve, Agnes felt a call from God to lead a faithful life. When she was eighteen years old, she moved to Ireland to join the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin. Here, she took the name Sister Mary Teresa after Saint Therese of Lisieux. A year later, she traveled to India for the novitiate period- a time of training, preparation, and discerning a religious member must undergo prior to taking vows. In May 1931, Sister Mary Teresa made her First Profession of Vows. Sister Mary Teresa was sent to Calcutta following her First Profession where she was to teach at Saint Mary’s H igh School for Girls. Six years later, on May 24, she took her Final Profession of Vows and upon this, changed her title to Mother Teresa, as was a custom for the Loreto nuns. In 1994, Mother Teresa became the principal of Saint Mary’s and taught the children through her example how to lead a life devoted to God. On September 10, 1946, Mother Teresa received a second call from God, this time telling her to abandon her job at Saint Mary’s to help aid the poorest and sickest people. Two years later, she finally got official permission to leave her convent. Mother Teresa went through six months of basic medical training, then went right to work. Right away she started an open-air school for the poor and made a home for people who were dying. Mother Teresa along with a few other members founded the Missionaries of Charity. With more and more donations pouring in between the 1950s and 1960s, Mother Teresa established many more services including a leper colony, nursing home, mobile health clinic, family clinic, and an orphanage. In 1971 Mother Teresa made a voyage to New York City to start a house of charity- her first house in America -and secretly in 1982, she went to both Christian East Beirut and Muslim West Beirut in Lebanon to help children from both faiths. Mother Teresa went bac k to New York in 1985 to speak at the 40th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly and to open the Gift of Love, a home for people who were infected with AIDS. Mother Teresa accomplished many things in her long, charitable life. She established centers for the sick, the dying, and the poor; she reached out to the outcasted and offered comfort; she traveled all over the world to help less fortunate, and she led by example how to be a good person devoted to Christ. Mother Teresa influenced others to do the same as well. As time went on, more and more people joined the Missionaries of Charity and today there are over one million co-workers for the organization. People recognized Mother Teresa’s work and she was awarded multiple times. She was awarded the Padma Shi from the President of India in August 1962, the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize in January 1971, the Nobel Peace Prize in December 1979, and the United States Congressional Gold Medal in June 1997 along with one hundred twenty other awards for her excellence. Although nobody could tell from her caring and giving persona, Mother Teresa was experiencing challenges with her health and faith throughout her life. Her health slowly deteriorated for many years while she kept traveling and working. On September 5, 1997, at the age of eighty-seven, Mother Teresa died of heart, lung, and kidney problems. Shortly after her death, a book full of letters Mother Teresa wrote to her spiritual advisors was published. The letters revealed she was struggling to find her faith for the last fifty years of her life. She wrote that she felt Jesus had abandoned her and that she was sharing in Christ’s Passion, specifically when Jesus calls out, â€Å"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?†In one riveting letter, Mother Teresa writes, â€Å"Where is my Faith- even deep down right in there is nothing, but emptiness and darkness- My God- how painful is this unknown pain- I have no Faith- I dare not utter the words and thoughts that crowd in my heart- and make me suffer untold agony.†Despite feeling lost in her faith, Mother Teresa still lived a devote life with an unwavering commitment to helping others. Mother Teresa impacted the religious and social aspects of society. She was a faithful woman that directed people to trust in God and follow in Jesus’s example of how to treat people. She reached out and cared for the sick and poor outcasts of society and worked to improve their lives by opening up schools, nursing homes, and shelters. Mother Teresa would be happy with what women are doing today as her charity work was carried out by many other sisters from all over the world. By 1997 the sisters of the Missionaries of Charity numbered around four thousand members and they were established in nearly six hundred foundations in one hundred twenty-three countries and the number continues to grow to this day. Mother Teresa’s ideas and accomplishments have greatly affected the world today. Her organization, the Missionaries of Charity, still reaches out to people in need. But more substantially her example of how one should live a life devoted to their faith has an even bigger impact. Mother Teresa was canonized a saint on September 4, 2016, by Pope Francis and at her canonization, Pope Francis told the crowd â€Å"May she be your model of holiness.†Mother Teresa is a wonderful role model and inspiration to others on how to act on behalf of God today. Through her charitable actions and life-long work for the less fortunate, Mother Teresa impacted the world in a way that few people have done before. Mother Teresa is a very important woman in history and is influential not only to other women but to all people.
Monday, May 18, 2020
In Order to Find Out How Things Really Are, One Must...
In order to find out how things really are, one must understand the filters through which one perceives the world†. Discuss and evaluate this claim. For the only world man can truly know is the world created for him by his senses. -Lincoln Barnett- The term thing can be applied to an entity, an idea, or a quality perceived, known or thought to have its own existence. Things are all the objects that our senses meet in everyday life processes, emotions, everything that can not be referred to as a living system. I see something, I feel something, I do something†¦we are surrounded by things. When an image of a thing reaches our perceptive senses continues its journey through many â€Å"filters†or â€Å"membranes†, where it gets its shape and†¦show more content†¦Or, when someone’s intuition tells him that something bad is going to happen he begins to act very precautious and see a thread in everything, when in fact, reality is very different. Intuition is, also, related with emotions. Emotions can distort reality. More emotional people feel things with greater intensity. Some people cry at movies, some don’t. So is the movie sad or not? What people believe soon becomes their reality. It is needles to mention all the different beliefs and religions who preach their own picture of how things really are. Protestants think that diseases are sent from God, and that any attempt to cure them will be punished. The Aborigines think that if you paint your own picture, your soul will get trapped in it. In the modern world diseases are being cured and pictures are being taken. Still, these people stick to their beliefs, considering them as reality. Experience is a great factor in determining reality. When one tribe from the Amazon forest first saw a camera (or other technical object) they saw nothing, just an empty space. It was until they touched the camera that their mind started to perceive it. Strange, indeed. But this is true example of how people’s mind organizes its own reality. Their mind decided that the camera is too weird to interpret and edit it out. They had no previous experience with a camera. Maybe the best example is the movie â€Å"Vanilla sky†, where the main character lives in a dream. There are a lotShow MoreRelatedEssay on Perceptual Filters2776 Words  | 12 Pages4/25/16 PL101 Taking Control of Perception Filters Throughout life, people go through their day to day schedules seeing and perceiving just about every experience in a â€Å"certain light.†A light in which shade is brighter, darker or just â€Å"blah†depending on that person’s overall self-awareness, mood or attitude. An individual’s mood or â€Å"filter,†as I like to call it, acts as a pair of glasses that can literally transform all of your surroundings and how you experience them. Your mood and emotionsRead MoreLie and Man Deciphers Truth Essay1708 Words  | 7 Pagesit is true, then what makes it untrue? 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Ephedrine and Its Effect on Weight Loss Essay - 1379 Words
Ephedrine and Its Effect on Weight Loss The Dilemma It is dilemma that affects the world over, its scope nothing short of the earths 25,000 mile circumference. However, in certain cultures it is a more significant issue than in others. Nevertheless, it can affect every aspect of our lives, driving many even to suicide. Few, if any, are naturally invincible to its hidden wrath. This invisible, yet potent dilemma is obesity, or simply weight control. In countries, such as the United States, weight control is a common, yet, dire issue. Especially, in a society where thin is in, but for many, so are fatty foods and infrequent exercise, there is a huge and growing demand for quick, easy schemes to lose weight. However, the true†¦show more content†¦In Western terms, ma-huang is considered to have diaphoretic, diuretic, central nervous system stimulating and antiasthmatic activity. The stem (herb) of ephedra contains a number of active compounds, including small amounts of an essential oil, and most important, one or two percent alkaloids composed mainly of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, with ephedrine ranging from thirty to ninety percent depending on the source. Alone, ephedrine is a very powerful amphetamine-like compound. However, as Mark Blumenthal editor of HerbalGram and executive director of the American Botanical Council, was saying that he has used the stems and twigs of the Chinese herb ma-huang as a cold remedy for twenty years. He pointed out that the effects of ephedrine, a stimulant alkaloid in ma-huang should not be confused with the whole herb itself. This is a good example of how the effects of a whole herb and its isolated constituents must be considered separately. One should not confuse ephedrine and pseudoephedrine with ephedra, just like one shouldnt confuse pure caffeine with coffee. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Elie Wiesels Night - 516 Words
Elie Wiesels Night Elie Wiesel’s Night is about what the Holocaust did, not just to the Jews, but, by extension, to humanity. The disturbing disregard for human beings, or the human body itself, still to this day, exacerbates fear in the hearts of men and women. The animalistic acts by the Nazis has scarred mankind eternally with abhorrence and discrimination. It seems impossible that the examination of one’s health, by a doctor, can result in the death of a human being if he appears unhealthy. Elie, his father, and millions of other Jews go through this formidable selection. It’s a process that is dreaded and feared by all Jews. Nobody knows who will be selected, and how he will die, as they all line up and wait to see†¦show more content†¦They are placed in these various categories because of their clothing, attitude, intelligence, nationality, and athletic ability. There are the preps, the freaks, the gangsters, the skaters, the jocks, the nerds, the Americans, the Portuguese, the Africans, the Cambodians, the Hispanics, the Puerto Ricans, the Japanese, and the Chinese. Everyone in the world is a part of some selection, whether it’s for political views, wealth, or lack thereof. The brutality of the Holocaust drives many to abandon a family member or loved one. For example, when the son of Rabbi Eliahou sees his father losing ground, limping, and falling to the rear of the column, he continues to run on, growing distant from his father. The son feels as if his father can no longer go on anymore. Elie’s feelings are mutual, for his father is taking him for granted. He is like a metal weight attached to Elie’s foot by a rope. Sooner or later, Elie must cut himself free, or else he won’t survive either. Nowadays, we see this abandonment in pregnant teenagers who are not ready for a child just yet. A girl throws her baby in a dumpster because she knows she can’t support a child right now, for that child will just weigh her down as Elie’s father did to him. The girl won’t be able to enjoy the rest of her childhood, or the baby might even prevent her from finishing her schooling. The teenager abandons her baby, so she can survive, as doesShow MoreRelated Elie Wiesel’s Night 936 Words  | 4 Pages There exist only two types of people in a time of war and crisis, those who survive and those who die. Elie Wiesel’s novel, Night shows how Elie, himself, faces difficult problems and struggles to survive World War II. Wilfred Owen’s poem, â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†, tells a story about a young soldier thinking of himself before others during World War I. The poem â€Å"Mary Hamilton†shows how a mother kille d her child so she would not get into trouble. Sir John Harrington writes about a sadRead MoreElie Wiesels Night Essay1159 Words  | 5 PagesElie Wiesels Night As humans, we require basic necessities, such as food, water, and shelter to survive. But we also need a reason to live. The reason could be the thought of a person, achieving some goal, or a connection with a higher being. Humans need something that drives them to stay alive. This becomes more evident when people are placed in horrific situations. In Elie Wiesels memoir Night, he reminisces about his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp during the Holocaust. There theRead MoreAn Analysis of Elie Wiesels Night822 Words  | 3 PagesElie Wiesel: Night The five letters that Elie Wiesel utilizes as the title for his book summarize, within one word, all the feelings, the uncertainty, the anger, the fear, etc. associated with the events contained in this novel. The book is a work of art, and Wiesel is a great storyteller, leaving his audience with a deeper knowledge of both historical events and the defiance and courage of the human spirit. Perhaps the most memorable scene in the story is that in which the author and his fatherRead More Elie Wiesels Night Essay448 Words  | 2 PagesElie Wiesels Night In Elie Wiesel’s Night, he recounts his horrifying experiences as a Jewish boy under Nazi control. His words are strong and his message clear. Wiesel uses themes such as hunger and death to vividly display his days during World War II. Wiesel’s main purpose is to describe to the reader the horrifying scenes and feelings he suffered through as a repressed Jew. His tone and diction are powerful for this subject and envelope the reader. Young readers today find the actionsRead More Elie Wiesels Night Essays1095 Words  | 5 PagesNight In Night, by Elie Wiesel, there is an underlying theme of anger. Anger not directed where it seems most appropriate- at the Nazis- but rather a deeper, inbred anger directed towards God. Having once been a role model of everything a â€Å"good Jew†should be, Wiesel slowly transforms into a faithless human being. He cannot comprehend why the God who is supposed to love and care for His people would refuse to protect them from the Germans. This anger grows as Wiesel does and is a constantRead MoreA Comparison Of Night By Elie Wiesels Inhumanity In Night880 Words  | 4 Pagescountless thousands mourn†is very relevant in the Holocaust texts Night by Elie Wiesel and The Last Days directed by James Moll because it really sums up the Holocaust. Both these texts give insight to what happened inside the camps and how the survivors were changed forever. These texts both show that in times of extreme inhumanity, one can lose his faith, which leads to a loss of innocence. Wiesel struggled a lot with his faith in Night. Before the Holocaust he had full faith in God. But his faithRead MoreEssay about Elie Wiesels Night881 Words  | 4 PagesThe tragedies of the holocaust forever altered history. One of the most detailed accounts of the horrific events from the Nazi regime comes from Elie Wiesel’s Night. He describes his traumatic experiences in German concentration camps, mainly Buchenwald, and engages his readers from a victim’s point of view. He bravely shares the grotesque visions that are permanently ingrained in his mind. His autobiography gives readers vivid, unforgettable, and shocking images of the past. It is beneficial thatRead MoreAnalysis Of Elie Wiesels Night933 Words  | 4 PagesThe author of Night, a novel documenting the horrible and gruesome events of the holocaust, Elie Wiesel expresses his experiences and observations in which he and his fellow Jews were dehumanized while living in concentration camps (a hell on e arth). All Jews, as a race were brutalized by the Nazis during this time; reducing them to no less than objects, positions which meant nothing to them, belongings that were a nuisance. Nazis would gather every Jew that they could find and bring them to theseRead MoreElie Wiesels Night Essay766 Words  | 4 PagesIn the memoir, Night, author Elie Wiesel portrays the dehumanization of individuals and its lasting result in a loss of faith in God. Throughout the Holocaust, Jews were doggedly treated with disrespect and inhumanity. As more cruelty was bestowed upon them, the lower their flame of hope and faith became as they began turning on each other and focused on self preservation over family and friends. The flame within them never completely died, but rather stayed kindling throughout the journey untilRead MoreWhen Night Falls in Elie Wiesels Book, Night687 Words  | 3 PagesWhen Night Falls Elie Wiesel’s book Night presents certain aspects of Jewish history, culture and practice through the story of Wiesel’s experience with his father in the concentration camps. Wiesel witnessed many horribly tragic things throughout his days in the concentration camps. It is these experiences that cause him to struggle with his faith. He grew up as a devote Jew who enjoyed studying and devoting himself to his religion. Throughout the book we see him struggle with his concept
Educational Aspiration High School Education vs College Education Free Essays
In our current economy, the need for a college education becomes increasingly valuable despite the high cost of tuition and loans. The demand for skilled, college-educated laborers is high. A college education can also determine your future income potential and in many cases, it is the only way a person can climb up the socioeconomic ladder. We will write a custom essay sample on Educational Aspiration: High School Education vs College Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are two theories that suggests why the need for a college education has been growing  increased international competition and skill-biased technology. The first theory focuses on the globalization of the U. S. economy. The argument is that increased competition from low skilled labor abroad has decreased the wages of low-skilled workers at home. At first, this theory seems to make sense but the statistics do not make sense. The reason is that only a small portion of the US economy is actually subject to competition from abroad. Also, job competition is growing in both the most and the least trade-affected industries at about the same rate. (Irons, 1998) The second theory for the increase in need for a college education has been called â€Å"skill-biased technological change†. The idea is current technology favors the higher skilled, higher educated workers over lower skilled workers. An example would be the increase use of computer technology has helped in the productivity and wages of the computer users and programmers. But, this increase does not help increase stagnated wages of the â€Å"lesser†educated worker who does not know this new technology. The only problem with this theory is that technological growth is a difficult to measure. There are two many hard to define variables to statistically measure this kind of change. (Irons, 1998) Even if these theories were to be debunked, the idea that a college education is more valuable that a high school education is correct. Statistically, a person with a college education generates a great deal more income in a lifetime than a high school graduate. Likewise, a high school graduate definitely has a higher income than a high-school dropout. The following chart shows a huge numeric difference in economic outcomes as a result of the educational status of the worker. The increase in income between the groups is a direct result of the educational degree attained. No High School 10,236 20,146 68,275 (Diaz-Geminiz, Quadrini, and Rios-Rull (1997) In Dimensions of Inequality, Diaz-Geminiz, Quadrini, and Rios-Rull theorizes the financial inequality in the U. S. according to the labor earnings, income, and wealth among U. S. households. Labor earnings are the amount of salary taken home as a result from working. Total income includes labor earning plus any additional income, such as stocks or savings accounts, and even income from government transfers, like Social Security and Welfare. And lastly, wealth represents the total stock of past savings. According to this theory of financial inequality, the top end of the distribution has seen a growth in their income while those at the lower end have seen their income stagnate. The financial distribution is highly skewed in the U. S. with the top 1% of households owning 30% of the American pie. This is 875 times more wealth that the bottom 40% of the distribution. Increasingly, the only way to obtain a decent piece of the economic pie is by earning a college degree. The higher your college degree, i. e. masters or Ph. D. , the higher your potential income earnings. Rather, education is the most important way in which people can make it into the upper end of the income distribution. Besides the differences in incomes among the college educated and non-college educated, there are also differences in employment opportunities among college educated, high school educated, and high school dropouts. The answer is yes. Your education also holds the key to what kinds of jobs or career you can or cannot obtain. According to the National Center For Education Statistics, â€Å"post-secondary degree attainment is associated with better access to employment and higher earnings. In 1995, on average, male bachelor†s degree recipients aged 25-34 earned 52 percent more, and female bachelor†s degree recipients 91 percent more, than their counterparts with a high school diploma. †On average, a limited education impedes a person†s employment opportunities. Rather, how much education one can obtain will affect how broad their job opportunity outlook will be. According to Youth Indicators, â€Å"Between 1965 and 1992, the percentage of non-college bound high school graduates entering the labor force changed little. The apparent dip in 1970 was caused by the entry of young men into the military rather than the civilian labor force. In contrast, the proportion of college students who were also in the labor force rose from 28% in 1965 to 49% in 1992. †Therefore, there are more job opportunities among the college educated than high school educated. Statistically, the value of a college education can be invaluable for one†s economic future. With this realization, post-secondary enrollments have increased continuously over the years. â€Å"The percentage of high school graduates who enrolled in 2- or 4- year colleges and universities in the October following graduation increased from 49% to 62% between 1972 and 1995. During this same period, the percentage of 25- to 29- year old high school graduates who had completed 4 or more years of college rose from 24% to 28%. †(National Center for Education Statistics) A college education also has a value beyond monetary terms. A college education can open the doors of opportunities for anyone willing to take advantage of that opportunity. High school cannot offer the same opportunity. A university has far superior resources for its students than high school. A person can learn a lot about life by simply being a college student. Most importantly, beyond attaining a degree, is the knowledge one can earn through attending college. The process of learning is a priceless tool that can only be enhanced by the college experience. How to cite Educational Aspiration: High School Education vs College Education, Papers
Operating of the E-Commerce
Question: Critically evaluates the desired facts related with the operating of the e-commerce website throughout the United Kingdom. Answer: Introduction There are several companies throughout the United Kingdom who have adopted different marketing strategies. Marketing is the most important need of the different customers as it helps in increasing the selling of the desired products of their company. E-Commence has been used as the strongest tool in order to promote the products of the company online and it also helps in making the transactions online. For understanding the desired uses and the impact of the E-Commerce websites, has been taken into consideration. It offers a strong competitive advantage as compared with that of the other E-Commerce websites operating within the marketing segments (, 2016). The company was started as the worlds biggest store for online books but it has captured the entire market segments and selling different products of peoples needs. This report will help in evaluating the seven unique features of its website and will reflect the need of the strategies in order to enhance th e growth of the entire organization Findings and analysis Seven unique features has been found as the leader in the e-commerce websites and it kept this position by working as per the satisfaction of the customers. Now the discussion of the seven of the unique features of this website will help in evaluating its strongest position throughout the United Kingdom. The website has the ubiquity which helps to be available at various places all the time. The clothes or the shoes or the different products are directly presented towards the consumers in order to increase the selling of the products (Cheng and Choi, 2010). The next is the global reach, which makes it easier for the people to get access to the products of their choices and the market scale becomes roughly equivalent towards the networking size of entire worlds population (Cockfield, 2013). Most important feature is the interactivity, which brings out a two-way communication system between the customers and the representatives of the organization. This helps in increasing the satisfaction leve l of the customers and also helped to improve its brand presence. The fourth unique feature is the collection of the information and it does so in three effective ways such as tactical data, strategic data and the operational data. The information collected is used to enhance the services and the products delivered to the customers. The fifth unique feature is the transaction system of this e-commerce website. The company has its own secure transaction technology which makes it very safe for the users to make the payment online. At present the fraud relating to the online transactions have increased significantly, therefore, the website of has implemented the latest and updated technology to maintain perfect security for the people concerned. Next is the refer and earn' system for the concerned new users (Desbordes, 2013). This helps to attract more customers towards the website and new customers are also added by this procedure. The final is the applicati on for the Smartphone's developed by this e-commerce website does not hang and this makes very reliable for the users to access the products in a single click. Implementation of these features The implementations of these features are very good as this creates a crucial impact on the kinds of the customers as well as these helps in increasing the selling of the products through its website. The ubiquity helps in evaluating the significant growth of the organization to a large extent. The use of the internet connectivity has helped the people to shop by sitting at their home or from different places. Therefore, the interaction between the customers and the representatives of the company is important in order to understand the desired requirements of the different types of the customers (Dunay, Krueger and Elad, 2011). Therefore, the implementation of this two-way communication system is found to be more useful for the execution of the business process of the concerned organization. the transaction system while the payments done online, plays the most vital role and the company has implemented the safest and secured transaction system to enhance the reliability of the users. The next is the most attracting feature of this website, that is the refer and earn system and this helps in providing some amount to the Amazon account of the users which be used while making a purchase at the website (Turban, Strauss and Lai, 2016). So, this strategy has helped in increasing the customer base as well as increased the profitability of the organization. Figure: 1-Tier inventory network Size and structure of the markets The designing of the e-commerce website is considered most important as it creates a great impact on the minds of the customers. The has increased its market segments with the help of this website throughout the United Kingdom (Googles latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice, 2012). Its unique features have helped the organization to create the strong brand presence and the strong brand presence increases the selling of products. The company has successfully captured a large segment of the total online shopping network operating throughout the United Kingdom. Evaluation of strategies for promoting sales The company is offering the best quality of the products from different market sectors and this has created a great impact on the minds of the customers. The pricing strategies are made as per the different categories of the people on the basis of their income. Therefore, the prices attract a large number of the customers towards itself. Next is the brand presence of the organization, the company has created its strong reputation by working as per the satisfaction of the different customers (HyoungSuk Ko, 2009). The company is using various channels and the media televisions for promoting its website in order to make a strong brand presence (Lakhani, 2008). The company is using the browser history of the different customers ion order top identify their desired product and then it promotes those products by highlighting to that particular customers through different websites. Allowing the free discount to the customers, in some of the occasion like Christmas, helps in increasing the o verall profitability as well as the productivity of the organization. The Internet aids to the modern working practices Figure: Working of the e-commerce website The internet technology has helped significantly to increase the barriers to e-commerce technology to the concerned people. The above diagram shows the working of the e-commerce technology and how the products are delivered to the different customers (Pavi and Djordjevi, 2009). The internet technology including the e-commerce websites has helped in making the shopping easier for the people and this has increased the profitability of the various e-commerce websites to a great extent. Demonstration of the scope of E-Commerce and its benefits in business The e-commerce websites have created a great impact in the shopping world. The transaction system has been made very easier for the people and this increases the reliability of the people in shopping online. Social media is the most used platform and therefore, the scope of the e-commerce can be seen to a great extent. The e-commerce saves time and money in shopping for the concerned customers; therefore, it provides the desired facility to utilize the time of people that is wasted by going to the marketplace (Spanyol, 2014). There are several benefits of the e-commerce websites, these are as follows: The process of selling and the buying of the products are made faster It reaches to a large number of the customers easily It has low functional costs and better as well as enhanced quality of the services The business is easy to set up and there is no need to set up a physical company The managing of all the business process is easy Therefore, these benefits of the e-commerce websites evaluate the fact that it has good future as it offers the wide variety to the customers. Conclusion The report critically evaluates the desired facts related with the operating of the e-commerce website throughout the United Kingdom. was started as the world's biggest store for online books but it has captured the entire market segments and selling different products of people's needs. Ubiquity evaluates the significant growth of the organization to a large extent. The implementation of this two-way communication system is found to be more useful for the execution of the business process of the concerned organization. The company has created its strong reputation by working as per the satisfaction of the different customers. Some of the benefits of the e-commerce websites are like a process of selling and the buying of the products are made faster and it reaches to a large number of the customers easily. The pricing strategies are made as per the different categories of the people on the basis of their income. References (2016) Low Prices in Electronics, Books, Sports Equipment more. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2016]. Cheng, T. and Choi, T. (2010).Innovative quick response programs in logistics and supply chain management. Berlin: Springer. Cockfield, A. (2013).Taxing global digital commerce. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International. Desbordes, M. (2013). Latest sponsorship strategies and the need for research.International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 14(3), pp.1-1. Dunay, P., Krueger, R. and Elad, J. (2011).Facebook advertising for dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub. Googles latest accomplishment: refining marketing practice. (2012).Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(3). HyoungSuk Ko, (2009). The Latest Legislative Trend and Issues related the Electronic Commerce Consumer Protection Act.lawyers association journal, 58(1), pp.93-132. Jones, S. and Silverstein, B. (2009).Business-to-business internet marketing. Gulf Breeze, FL: Maximum Press. Lakhani, D. (2008).Subliminal persuasion. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Pavi, V. and Djordjevi, M. (2009). Application of the CISG Before the Foreign Trade Court of Arbitration at the Serbian Chamber of CommerceLooking Back at the Latest 100 Cases.JC, 28(1). Spanyol, T. (2014). Nuisance calls latest.J Direct Data Digit Mark Pract, 15(4), pp.348-350. Turban, E., Strauss, J. and Lai, L. (2016).Social Commerce. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Commercial Negotiation In Government Vs. Private Organisations
Question: Explain on Commercial Negotiation In Government Vs. Private Organisations? Answer: Introducation The public organizations and private organizations are distinct entities based on the underpinning structure. The platform foundation including governance structure, motivations, communication strategy, integrated risk mitigation strategy, and substantial co-location has helped in differentiating these two organizations (Walker Lloyd-Walker 2015). Without a doubt, commercial negotiation in private and public sectors are different. According to Kerzner (2013), in the public organizations, the aspects of political interference are evident compared to the private organizations. Collaboration offers stakeholders an opportunity to cope with uncertainty, risk, and ambiguity through the integrated contractor and client planning, problem-solving, and action. The commercial negotiations can be successful based on the form of collaboration among the stakeholders (Walker Lloyd-Walker 2015, p. 168). The relationship-based procurement considers important characteristics including behavioral factors, processes, means, and routines to enhance the enactment of PM practices. The success of this alliance depends on the level of collaboration among the parties, which should possess relevant expertise, skills, experience, and knowledge to handle such projects (Walker Lloyd-Walker 2015). Globally, there are different forms of collaboration including Alliancing in Australia, closer relationship-based integration of supply chain, integrated project delivery, and framework agreements. In the US, an integrated project delivery is common while alliancing has been used in European countries. The need for negotiation is to help project manager avoid blames in project implementations. This is achieved through incentive arrangements, mutual dependence, consensus building, and transparency and open-book (Walker Lloyd-Walker 2015, p. 169). Although this may not be easy with other stakeholders, an authentic leadership should embrace no-blame behavior thus creates foundation supports. In motivation and context, the substrate of circumstances should promote collaboration. The parties involved in the project seem to benefit from the relational rationale or relationship because of turbulence and change. References Kerzner, H 2013, Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and control, 11th edn. John Wiley Sons, Hoboken, USA. Walker, DHT Lloyd-Walker, BM 2015, Collaborative project procurement arrangements. Project Management Institute, Newtown Square, PA.
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