Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Educational System in Nigeria - 2857 Words
The educational System of Nigeria OVERVIEW Education in Nigeria is the shared responsibility of the federal, state and local governments. The Federal Ministry of Education plays a dominant role in regulating the education sector, engaging in policy formation and ensuring quality control. However, the federal government is more directly involved with tertiary education than it is with school education, which is largely the responsibility of state (secondary) and local (primary) governments. The education sector is divided into three sub-sectors: basic (nine years), post-basic/senior secondary (three years), and tertiary (four to seven years, depending on the major or course of study). Education in Nigeria is provided by public and private†¦show more content†¦In 2008, the primary to secondary transition rate was 44 percent, according to the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) EdData Profile. Under the new Universal Basic Education (UBE) system of 9-3-4, which replaced the former universal primary education scheme of 6-3-3-4, students attend six years of primary school and three years of junior secondary, thus nine years of compulsory and uninterrupted schooling. This is followed by three years of senior secondary schooling. Until 2006 entry to junior secondary education was based on the Common Entrance Examination, but entry is now automatic. The Junior Secondary School Certificate is awarded at the end of junior secondary school. Students who pass the Junior Secondary Certificate Examination (JSCE) at the credit level (see the grading system below) in not less than six subjects may proceed to senior secondary school (grade 10) at either the same institution, or they may transfer to another institution of their choice. Core subjects at the junior secondary level include: English, French, science, technology, Nigerian language (Hausa, Ibo and Yoruba), mathematics, and social studies. Students may also choose to study a number of elective subjects. A prevocational stream is also available to studentsShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Educational Management Information System to Student of Computer Science in Nigeria Higher Institution of Learning4518 Words  | 19 PagesInformation systems From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Not to be confused with Informing science. 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Let us help you find the CheapestDivorce Lawyer for your needs. www.PriceNet.co.za/Lawyers * Investec Rhino Lifeline Investec amp; Dr Fowlds Aim to RaiseAwareness of the Rhino Crisis. www.RhinoLifeline.co.za DivorceRead MoreWhy Did The Teacher Stay Back?792 Words  | 4 Pagesworld(timeshighereducation.com). Preview This sector which is one of the basics needed to meet up with the new generation’s updates is not well rooted in Africa. The problems that the education system in Africa faces is lecturers’ weaknesses, government failures, learning environment, and crises. The problems that the educational sector in Africa faces. First Main Point: Lecturers’ Weaknesses: Most of the lectures lack good service and communication skills required to teach their student. Poor relationshipsRead MoreSources Of Income For Individuals Developing Countries1498 Words  | 6 Pagesthe development of the migrant s country of origin (Ratha 2003, World Bank 2008). In view of its importance at both household and macroeconomic levels, this study intends to examine the connection between migrant remittances and economic growth in Nigeria. It is imperative because most recipients spend the money on education and their general well beings. Other recipients invested their remitted funds in small and medium scale businesses which have tremendous impacts on the economic growth. 1.2 STATEMENTRead MoreThe Learning And Use Of The Foreign Language1692 Words  | 7 Pagesof French. With the knowledge of French, Nigeria and her Francophone neighbors would be able to work together locally and internationally. This however can only be achieved if there is communicative proficiency on the part of the citizens. Without this, Nigeria will be linguistically, politically, educationally and socially isolated from her francophone neighbors. This realization informed certain provisions guiding language study in Nigeria education system. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Gossip, Deception and Funny Satire Topics for Essay
Gossip, Deception and Funny Satire Topics for Essay Be in the correct place in the most suitable time You should realize what sort of humor is for what. Satire is a sort of humor which makes fun of something or someone via a form of mockery that's often very subtle. The satirical style is fun, but you should stay within certain limits, based on your audience. Up in Arms About Funny Satire Topics for Essay? Pretty soon, you will be informed enough to offer you a slyly humorous take. It's essential to earn a strong point. When you receive a satirical essay, before anything else, make certain you remember to comprehend the fundamental terms and rules. Bear in mind you could make funny argumentative essays if you do a few things. Also, the majority of people respond more quickly to humorous writing, particularly if you succeed in getting them to understand the point you're trying to make. Humor also helps people understand the point you're trying to earn much more easily. Don't believe that all you have to do is mock at someone or something. The good thing is that you can set your own spin on the issue being discussed. Humor is critical in cutting tension each and every day, and it achieves the exact same effect in satirical essays. Sarcasm is employed in various circumstances, for instance, some could use it in order to demonstrate their anger or dissatisfaction about something. Make sure that you select something which other individuals can easily relate to. Finding the best prices on any of the most recent devices is something which brightens the mood of even the worst days. Secondly, know your target, then recognize the readers whom your information is designed for. Obviously, the best methods of hunting for interesting topics is developing a list of very good satire topics. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Funny Satire Topics for Essay There are numerous satire essay idea topics to select from when deciding what things to describe in your paper. Since you can imagine, the topic of your essay is quite important. Keep reading, and you'll understand how to get started writing efficiently, what topics to contemplate, how to format your text, and the way to end it using a powerful and witty statement. If you would like to write satire essay topics, you must have a better comprehension of what it actually means. In truth, it is more enjoyable to write since you're permitted to set your own creativity and your individual views in your essay. Now, in regards to the last point, the boiling point, it's the proper time for good satire and satirical essays. Okay, now you have the fundamentals about how to go for an informative essay topic, let's dig into some fantastic ideas! Thus, for your coursework, you are going to want to have the very best ideas. Your topic will be related to the instructions of your professor, and therefore, your flexibility might be limited. Deciding upon a topic is really the toughest challenge for major students. Things You Should Know About Funny Satire Topics for Essay Humor needs to be directed to some general point or your bit of writing will appear incomplete and scattered. If it comes to satire, don't be reluctant to exaggerate points and utilize hyperbole to grow the effect of your message. Now, once you're going to compose any satire essay, you must ta rget a particular person or event common with your audience. After you decide about what to describe in your satire essay, you want to decide what your point is. In spite of the fact that it's possible to compose a great satire paper on just about any subject, you should concentrate on major cultural or political events. Essays are definitely the most popular academic paper that looks might appear easy to writer. Culture Many students are willing to create their own commentary on popular culture. As soon as you read and watch more on the subject of satire, you're going to be better able to create it. On the flip side, in the most suitable crowd, satire can be amazing. Now that you know what's satire and what's not and how satire works let's talk about a few satirical methods. Naturally, writing satire isn't straightforward.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Global Business Cultural Analysis Barbados free essay sample
The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the cultural viewpoint of doing business in the nation of Barbados according to the major elements and dimensions of culture including: communication, religion, ethics, customs, social structure, organization, and education. It will provide how these dimensions and elements are implemented by local conducting business. Also, explains on how the culture and business of Barbados differs from the United States. Other information researched includes international relationships, political systems, business risk and impact of global expansion. Global Business Cultural Analysis: Barbados Barbados is a Caribbean island which is well-known as a tourist destination. Barbados has been a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), since 1995. The World Trade Organization deals with the rules or agreements in trade at a domestic and global level. Many nations are involved in the WTO since mostly all have some kind of natural resource that is bringing income to the island. Sugar is one of the main products, which has made Barbados a successful export business nation. The economic growth of Barbados results in the change from sugar being an important export, to tourism having an even more profound effect on the nation’s economy. The name Barbados came from a Portuguese explorer named Pedro Campos, who had stopped at the island before traveling on to Brazil. He named the island â€Å"Los Barbados†, which means the bearded ones as the fig trees and the way they hung gave a look of a beard. Barbados was inhabited until the British settled in the year 1625; by Captain John Powell who claimed the island for King James I. Two years later on February 17, 1627 his brother Henry Powell came with 80 Englishman settling and 10 African slaves to work the land, even though most of the slaves did not survived the long trip. In 1629 the slave population increased to 50 and consisted of Amerindian and African people. The Amerindian settlers were known to be competent farmers who grew cotton and fruits. Cotton was used to make hammocks. Today, Caribbean islands, South American and Central American countries use them at parks and backyard to rest as well as swing. The economy in those early years consisted of family farms and their various produce such as aloes, fustic (which was used to dye wood) cotton, and tobacco. At that time Barbados had few slaves since it had just been inhabited. There were few settlers and not many slaves were able to be bought. Europeans put a trade fort in West Africa where slaves were brought in after raids in tribal villages. Some of these tribal names were Paw-Paw, Ibos, and Eboes. The forts received goods as form of payment to transport slaves to Barbados. Watches, rings, and pendants considered to be trinkets were things given in the forts. Once they arrived to the island, slaves were to be enslaved for life including any children they had while on the island, as was the law passed. During this year it was noted that only 22 black people were free from this law. Slaves were taught by the Amerindians on how to cultivate the land. The output of cotton and tobacco were decreasing due to the lack of good labor conditions. Products were exported but to no success and caused the plantations to stop growing them in or around late 1630’s. The failure of the tobacco and cotton plantations brought the Dutch over to Barbados to assist the English to produce sugar. Sugar plantation made money for the owners but there were both positive and negative effects to this change. The negative aspect was that slaves worked the plantation who came from West Africa were troubled because of their new enslaved condition. This created problems when groups developed that consisted of the following; whites, half European, half African, and blacks. The statistics back then 1600’s â€Å"37,000 whites and 6,000 blacks†. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014). The sugar plantations increased the profit for the earlier settlers, because in this era sugar was uncommon. The money that entered Barbados from the sugar plantations brought political power to the owners who were controlling the economic aspects as well as in governmental offices. Land owners made it known to the slaves that they were the authority figure and they should not try to get out of line. â€Å"Its House of Assembly, which began meeting in 1639, is third-oldest legislative body in the Western Hemisphere, preceded only by Bermuda’s legislature and the Virginia House of Burgesses†(Country Watch, Inc. , 2014) . This government wrote a democratic constitution which was used as a template by â€Å"the American Founding Fathers†(Country Watch, 2014) to draw up the United States Constitution. Sugar plantations were a successful commercial enterprise which raised a split in Barbados between large plantations and the early small farms resulting in these small farmers to leave. â€Å"Some of the displaced farmers relocated to British colonies in North America†(Barbados, 2011). In the years between 1663 through 1669 Barbados was hit with many natural disasters such as a locust plague, Bridgetown fire, a hurricane, drought and in other times too much rain which added to the island’s financial problems. Yet, the natural disasters did not stop the business men from investing in the sugar plantation and buying slaves. Between the years of 1640 and 1807 approximately 400,000 African slaves were taken to Barbados to work the sugar plantations. The ratio by 1850 was two black slaves to one white master. Thirty years later the ratio had increased to four black slaves to one white master. Slave trade was declared illegal in 1807, yet any slave who was already in Barbados was not freed due to them being on the island before 1807. The emancipation of 1834 freed the slaves but they still lived in poverty. Being freed did not mean living the luxury life. Owners of the plantations had slaves from 7 years old and older work for six years with no pay as an apprentice. These former slaves did not have the same rights as whites so they kept working on the plantation for low wages since jobs in other profession were few. â€Å"On Sunday April 14th, 1816 saw the first slave uprising on this island for 124 years†(FunBarbados, 2014). â€Å"The Bussa Rebellion†(FunBarbados, 2014) being led by a slave named Bussa who worked on a large plantation called Bayley’s Plantation. Many years passed and Bussa was considered a Barbadian National hero and 169 years after the up-rise the Emancipation Statue was dedicated to his memory. After, slavery was many citizens of Barbados focused on the great education that was available on the island. Since the slaves were getting the education, their plantation job was not what they wanted for themselves. They went out for governmental jobs and other work in different professions but there was some still worked in the plantations. Those workers who kept working on the plantation had a 45 hour week without pay in exchange for a room and board. The actual freedom of slaves came in the year 1838 with over 700,000 Barbadians of African descent. Sugar was great income to the island until 1930 when the Great Depression hit not only affecting Barbados but many countries throughout the world. As much as 50% of the sugar prices dropped which caused chaos in Barbados. There was high unemployment and hard times for many Barbadians. Riots broke out during this time because the British government which ruled Barbados, invested money to form the Colonial Welfare and Development offices. The agencies gave the Barbadians and other British who ruled island money to assist them in this time of need. â€Å"The spread of socialist ideology and the black nationalist movement of the Jamaican leader Marcus Garvey had created conditions for a labour revolt†(Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014). During this time the middle class reformers were getting angry because of laws which consisted of the limitation of voting only to males, men who had money and land ownership. This caused many social services to be not dependable. In 1938 a gentleman named Grantley Adams helped to form the Barbados Labour Party to assist the social protest due to inequality of the blacks who were now free. When World War II broke out, many of the British colonies faced change including Barbados. Adams was the first premier whose work was to change things in the culture area as well as the constitution. Great Britain gave the Barbadian government complete control over internal issues. Mr. Grantley Adams was a leader of the trade union movement which gave him the nickname â€Å"Father of Independence†(Fun Barbados, 2014). Barbados tried many times to form a federation but, but this caused the island to seek its independence. In June of 1966 Barbados and United Kingdom met, and after many meetings the independence was granted to Barbados in November 30, 1966. Since this independence Barbados has been a stable and a democratic country. The independence of Barbados made a great impact in transforming the island from a low income population when sugar plantation was exploding an upper middle income when tourism was introduced. Tourism has made the Barbados economy flourish. After three centuries of sugar being the main source of income to the island, there was a change in the island. The makeover of Barbados made the new source of income â€Å"service oriented economy†(Williams 2003). It has been known that in 1751, George Washington visited the island with his half- brother who had tuberculosis to cure his illness in the nice climate. The area of tourism had wealthy people as well as companies invest money, which opened up many jobs for the citizens of the island. The vast majority of the tourists; who visit Barbados are from the United Kingdom, United States, and other Caribbean islands. The Barbados Ministry of Tourism in 2001 states, â€Å"the political administration’s vision of transforming the country into a high quality export service economy, with fully developed tourism and hospitality industry as its chief engine of growth†(Lords, Francis, Drakes 2011). The number one source is foreign exchange which has brought 80% of the income into Barbados. Tourism was being considered the export-based approach due to the investments made for hotels, restaurants, and clean beaches had increased employment. Barbados met with the Southeast Asian Tigers which consisted of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan to try and mirror their success in tourism. Foreign exchange in Barbados was due to construction and buying raw materials to renovate the island for the tourists. Tourism has a high season and low season. The high season for tourists to go to Barbados is in the winter months in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and other European countries. In those months of winter the economy grows with many visitors coming to soak in the sun. Barbados has been known to have a stable growth in the economy for eight years consecutively 1993-2000. When the Twin Towers were hit on September 11, 2001tourism dropped drastically all over the world Barbados included. The economy started to improve around 2004 and by 2006 when it grew by 3. 8%. Cruise ships dock in Barbados for people to sightsee, and go on an excursion which has contributed to the growth of the economy. The clean and beautiful sandy beaches have been an attraction for peace and comfort to those people who have a hectic life. Barbados introduced sports tourism which has been on the rise. The government developed a few sporting facilities for special events. Major sports events have been known to take place all over the word such as New York Marathon, Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Tournament in Great Britain, and Adelaide grand Prix in Australia. Each of the mentioned events are seasonal: Barbados is known for the nice weather and can sponsor sporting events all year round. In the last ten years the island has hosted several sporting events such as cricket and field hockey. The government had two objectives in sporting tourism, first to build or renovate sporting facilities in order for the Barbadian athletes to play with other countries in field hockey as well as cricket and second was to have tourists to arrive all year round whether for vacation, conference or sporting event. This way income comes in regularly to the island. Four sporting arenas hosted important events such as The Barbados National Stadium hosted soccer, cycling, and football games. Cycling event attracts people from all over the world such as Canada, Russia, and England. The Kensington Oval is known for the cricket games during the months January thru April. Cricket games in Barbados attract people from England, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan and India. Due to these international matches held in Barbados, a League and Association for cricket has been formed. The Kensington Oval is used for field hockey games which are considered to be one of the fastest growing sports today. This sport is called soccer in the United States. There are also women who have formed an association. The Garrison Savannah sponsors horse racing which runs from January to April then again from August to November. In the year 1992 a company named Cockspur Rum sponsored a horse race that paid the highest prize and had a lot of covered from newspaper and television. The Wildey Sports Complex was built to hold a variety of sporting events. It was an extravagant facility which has air condition gymnasium, six lawn-tennis courts, and an Aquatic Centre which has an Olympic-size pool. The pool is the training facility for the local swimming team and water polo. Children with special needs also come to the facility to use the amenities for therapy for the blind and handicapped. Barbados also hosted surfer tournaments, which includes the participation of USA, Brazil, France, Venezuela, Trinidad Tobago, Puerto Rico, Martinique and Guadeloupe. Golf is an up-rising sport that had Barbados built an 18-hole golf course named Sandy Lane. Tourism contributes to most of the income in Barbados, although offshore banking and financial services have been on the rise and it’s considered to be an important part of foreign exchange. Sugar was the dominant in the economy growth but now it makes up only 1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and approximately 500 people work on the export of sugar. In 1993 Barbados introduced a financial place for business to come due to the island being popular with the tourism sector. Insurance companies, the International Business Companies (IBC), foreign sales corporations, and offshore banking were growing. Barbados has had a variety of tax treaties which included discussions with many foreign countries to invest money in the island. Offshore banking has moved up on the government’s priority which has caused laws to be established exempting partnerships, trusts, and mutual companies. Barbados has formed a few services to what over the offshore banking because just like everything there is a positive side and a negative side. The services or groups have to oversee that no unwanted company comes to Barbados to commit fraudulent acts. The government knows they need to maintain rules to the offshore banking companies so they don’t give Barbados a bad reputation in the business circle as well as in the tourist sector. There have been tax treaties made with other countries like United States, Britain, Canada, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. Furthermore, Euromoney stated, â€Å"the final ingredient need to build a successful offshore financial services centre is good infrastructure; both in transport and business†(1994). The United States and Barbados had signed a treaty in regards to narcotics moving across both countries, extradition consists of minor common offenses; organize crime, and conspiracy of any form. Another treaty signed between the United States and Barbados in 1991 was to amend the original treaty from 1987 for taxes. The change in tax rate went from 12. 5% to 5%, this is done to attract joint venture connection. A report came out in 2012 where the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) found that Barbados made better the standard international for a project which had to begin in 2013. The island had been starting projects to save energy as well as looking into drilling for oil. In conclusion, Barbados is a Caribbean island which imports materials to build and renovate housing, sightseeing attractions and sport facilities to have the economy grow in all sectors. The export the island has is sugar, tourism, and off shore banking much more has been and incentive for visitors to come for either personal or business. The relocation of businesses to Barbados has been on the rise for years, there are some ups and downs but the Barbadians keep striving for better.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Scholarship essay free essay sample
Throughout high school at Arrowhead I have been on the Arrowhead Robotics team, Team 706 Cyberhawks. And most of the time, I have been on the team, as master welder, I build the robot frame as with all of the important parts (parts that otherwise would break under pressure or another outside force). Failure in the weld means failure of the robot, the team, and my duties. Failure is never an option and no one knows this more than a welder, the reasoning behind this is if a welder â€Å"fails†a weld at the bottom of a skyscraper and it falls, everyone dies, End of story. My future goals simply put†¦I want to weld and become an engineer. My goals from now till whenever they are achieved are making it through the Marines, get a job welding, become the best engineer, be trustworthy, and don’t lie†¦ever. I plan on beating these goals through the Marines, I told my parents, â€Å"You will NOT pay for college NO MATTER WHAT†, and I will see that through no mat ter how bad it gets for me. We will write a custom essay sample on Scholarship essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My parents have done enough for me and have spent enough money, plus they have my sister to worry about. I am almost 18, if I cannot survive on my own or if I cannot get the resources I need†¦I don’t deserve to succeed. If I cannot do what I said I was going to do, I cannot be trusted†¦and a welder needs to be trusted.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Lemur Catta †the ring-tailed lemur
Lemur Catta – the ring-tailed lemur Free Online Research Papers Did you know that lemur catta is the scientific name for the â€Å"ring-tailed†lemur? Did you know that the word lemur means â€Å"ghost†in the native Madagascan tongue? The lemur catta (or you can call it the ring- tailed ghost if you want) is one of about sixty species of lemurs, and all species live only on the island of Madagascar. Lemur catta are very social animals, and they are very easy to identify. With long arms and legs, flexible fingers and toes, extremely long, and easily identifiable black and white tails, large, black outlined eyes, there is nothing in the world that closely resembles a ring-tailed lemur. These lemurs have very limited eye movement, and have to completely move their head if they want to look to the side. Ring-tailed lemurs grow to about 17 inches and to about a maximum of 9 pounds. (Fleagle, 1988) The ring-tailed lemur is a terrestrial quadruped, which means all four feet are specialized for walking, and the animal spends most of it’s time on the ground. Lemurs live in groups of about ten to twenty animals, and these groups are mixed male and female. (Sauther, Sussman, Gould, 1999) The ring-tailed lemur is part of the sub-order prosimii (prosimians), along with the lorises and tarsiers. Prosimians are much smaller than their relatives, anthropoids, with the ring-tailed lemur not usually growing over 10 pounds or 20 inches. (Fleagle, 1988) The lemurs are a part of the infraorder lemuriformes, because they are only found in one place in the entire world, a small island off the coast of Southeastern Africa, Madagascar. (Pastorini, Thalmann, Martin, 2003) There are about 60 different types of lemurs, with some being extremely alike, and some being drastically different. The ring-tailed lemur is part of the genus lemur, and there are no other types of this genus found in Madagascar. The ring-tailed lemurs are the only species in this genus, because of odd scent glands found on the wrist and close to the arm pits. Because the ring-tailed lemur is so unique, there are no other sub-species of it. The ring-tailed lemur, as mentioned earlier is a very unique lemur, because of the similarities the lemur’s hands have with human hands. Lemurs don’t have claws, they have nails, and their grasping ability is just like that of a human, with opposable thumbs. Ring-tailed lemurs, as it has been stated over and over, are native and confined to Madagascar, and they are found nowhere else in the world. However, lemur catta are mainly found in dry woody areas in the south to the southwest, and there are even some found in the southeast near the Andringitra. (Yoder, Irwin, Goodman, 2000) These areas are extremely dry, and because of that the trees are very bare. Lemur catta is a highly terrestrial quadruped, and mainly feeds on the ground. In fact, it is observed on the ground over 65% of the time. (Sauther, Sussman, Gould, 1999) Ring-tailed lemurs are herbivores, eating plants, flowers, and fruits; however, these lemurs sometimes try and expand the horizons, with the occasional insect or small mammal. Obviously they are not only specialized to being ONLY a herbivore, but ring-tailed lemurs only eat insects and mammals when it is needed. (Simmen, 2003) Lemurs do not have many specializations to help them hunt during the day; in fact, some of their characteristics will hurt them in hunting. Lemur catta lack trichromatic color vision, which most other primates have. This will largely affect them in hunting small prey, and is likely the main reason why they rarely do. Mating for ring-tailed lemurs is seasonal, and it starts in mid-April. In the fall, females produce only one offspring, and the gestation period for that female is almost 5 months. However, twins and triplet occur when there is an abundance of food; however, this is an very rare sight. Directly after birth, the young lemur catta cling to the mother’s bellies, only to switch and cling to the back after about two weeks. They can climb after about 3 weeks, and become totally independent from their mothers after about 6 months. The ring-tailed lemurs become sexually mature at about 18 months, but don’t start mating until they are about 2-3 years old. When thinking about all of the mentioned aspects, the ring-tailed lemur is an extremely rare species, and it is only found on one small part of one small island in the entire world. It is very easily identifiable, however, and there is almost nothing else in the world that could pass for one of these, not even another lemur. They have very unique characteristics, and they are even very much different than the other 60 species of lemurs, in their diet, gestation periods and maternity habits, just to name a few. But the thing that sets them apart from all the other lemurs, and the reason they are in their own genus, is because they have unique sensory glands on their wrists and in the armpits, which helps them mark their surroundings. So, when talking about lemurs, there is nothing that is at all like the ring-tailed ghost. Bibliography 1. Fleagle, J. G. 1988. Primate Adaptation and Evolution. Academic Press 2. Sauther, M.L., Sussman, R.W., Gould, L. 1999. Wiley-Liss, Inc: 120-132 3. Pastorini, J, Thalmann, U, Martin, R.D. PNAS, May 2003; 100: 5879 5884 4. Ward, S.C., Sussman, R.W. 2005. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 575- 90 5. Yoder, A.D., Irwin, J.A., Goodman, S.M. 2000. Journal of Zoology 252: (1), 1–9. 6. Simmen, B. 2003. International Journal of Primatology 24: 949-968 Research Papers on Lemur Catta - the ring-tailed lemurThe Hockey GameGenetic Engineering19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBringing Democracy to AfricaThe Spring and AutumnThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseWhere Wild and West MeetCapital PunishmentHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionResearch Process Part One
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Biography of Civil War General Stonewall Jackson
A Biography of Civil War General Stonewall Jackson Stonewall Jackson - Early Life: Thomas Jonathan Jackson was born to Jonathan and Julia Jackson on January 21, 1824 at Clarksburg, VA (now WV). Jacksons father, an attorney, died when he was two leaving Julia with three small children. During his formative years, Jackson lived with a variety of relatives but spent the majority of time at his uncles mill in Jacksons Mills. While at the mill, Jackson developed a strong work ethic and sought out education when possible. Largely self-taught, he became an avid reader. In 1842, Jackson was accepted to West Point, but due to his lack of schooling struggled with the entrance exams. Stonewall Jackson - West Point Mexico: Due to his academic difficulties, Jackson began his academic career at the bottom of his class. While at the academy, he quickly proved himself a tireless worker as he endeavored to catch up to his peers. Graduating in 1846, he was able to achieve class rank of 17 out 59. Commissioned a second lieutenant in the 1st US Artillery, he was sent south to take part in the Mexican-American War. Part of Major General Winfield Scotts army, Jackson took part in the siege of Veracruz and the campaign against Mexico City. In the course of the fighting, he earned two brevet promotions and a permanent one to first lieutenant. Stonewall Jackson - Teaching at VMI: Taking part in the assault on Chapultepec Castle, Jackson again distinguished himself and was brevetted to major. Returning the United States after the war, Jackson accepted a teaching position at the Virginia Military Institute in 1851. Filling the role of Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy and Instructor of Artillery, he developed a curriculum that emphasized mobility and discipline. Highly religious and somewhat eccentric in his habits, Jackson was disliked and mocked by many of the students. This was worsened by his approach in the classroom where he repeatedly recited memorized lectures and offered little help to his students. While teaching at VMI, Jackson married twice, first to Elinor Junkin who died in childbirth, and later to Mary Anna Morrison in 1857. Two years later, following John Browns failed raid on Harpers Ferry, Governor Henry Wise asked VMI to provide a security detail for the abolitionist leaders execution. As the artillery instructor, Jackson and 21 of his cadets accompanied the detail with two howitzers. Stonewall Jackson - The Civil War Begins: With the election of President Abraham Lincoln and the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, Jackson offered his services to Virginia and was made a colonel. Assigned to Harpers Ferry, he began organizing and drilling troops, as well as operating against the BO railroad. Assembling a brigade of troops recruited in and around the Shenandoah Valley, Jackson was promoted to brigadier general that June. Part of General Joseph Johnstons command in the Valley, Jacksons brigade was rushed east in July to aid in the First Battle of Bull Run. Stonewall Jackson - Stonewall: As the battle raged on July 21, Jacksons command was brought forward to support the crumbling Confederate line on Henry House Hill. Demonstrating the discipline that Jackson had instilled, the Virginians held the line, leading Brigadier General Barnard Bee to exclaim, There is Jackson standing like a stone wall. Some controversy exists regarding this statement as some later reports claimed that Bee was angry at Jackson for not coming to his brigades aid faster and that stone wall was meant in a pejorative sense. Regardless, the name stuck to both Jackson and his brigade for the remainder of the war. Stonewall Jackson - In the Valley: Having held the hill, Jacksons men played a role in the subsequent Confederate counterattack and victory. Promoted to major general on October 7, Jackson was given command of the Valley District with headquarters at Winchester. In January 1862, he conducted an abortive campaign near Romney with the goal of re-capturing much of West Virginia. That March, as Major General George McClellan began transferring Union forces south to the Peninsula, Jackson was tasked with defeating Major General Nathaniel Banks forces in the Valley as well as preventing Major General Irvin McDowell from approaching Richmond. Jackson opened his campaign with a tactical defeat at Kernstown on March 23, but rebounded to win at McDowell, Front Royal, and First Winchester, ultimately expelling Banks from the Valley. Concerned about Jackson, Lincoln order McDowell to assist and dispatched men under Major General John C. Frà ©mont. Though outnumbered, Jackson continued his string of success defeating Frà ©mont at Cross Keys on June 8 and Brigadier General James Shields a day later at Port Republic. Having triumphed in the Valley, Jackson and his men were recalled to the Peninsula to join General Robert E. Lees Army of Northern Virginia. Stonewall Jackson - Lee Jackson: Though the two commanders would form a dynamic command partnership, their first action together was not promising. As Lee opened the Seven Days Battles against McClellan on June 25, Jacksons performance dipped. Throughout the fighting his men were repeatedly late and his decision making poor. Having eliminated the threat posed by McClellan, Lee ordered Jackson to take the Left Wing of the army north to deal with Major General John Popes Army of Virginia. Moving north, he won a fight at Cedar Mountain on August 9 and later succeeded in capturing Popes supply base at Manassas Junction. Moving onto the old Bull Run battlefield, Jackson assumed a defensive position to await Lee and the Right Wing of the army under Major General James Longstreet. Attacked by Pope on August 28, his men held until they arrived. The Second Battle of Manassas concluded with a massive flank attack by Longstreet which drove Union troops from the field. Following the victory, Lee decided to attempt an invasion of Maryland. Dispatched to capture Harpers Ferry, Jackson took the town before joining the rest of the army for the Battle of Antietam on September 17. Largely a defensive action, his men bore the brunt of the fighting at the northern end of the field. Withdrawing from Maryland, Confederate forces regrouped in Virginia. On October 10, Jackson was promoted to lieutenant general and his command officially designated the Second Corps. When Union troops, now led by Major General Ambrose Burnside, moved south that fall, Jacksons men joined Lee at Fredericksburg. During the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 13, his corps succeeded in holding off strong Union assaults south of the town. With the end of the fighting, both armies remained in place around Fredericksburg for the winter. When campaigning resumed in the spring, the Union forces guided by Major General Joseph Hooker attempted to move around Lees left to attack his rear. This movement presented problems for Lee as he had sent Longstreets corps away to find supplies and was badly outnumbered. Fighting at the Battle of Chancellorsville began on May 1 in a thick pine forest known as the Wilderness with Lees men under heavy pressure. Meeting with Jackson, the two men devised a daring plan for May 2 which called for the latter to take his corps on a wide flanking march to strike at the Union right. This daring plan succeeded and Jacksons attack began rolling up the Union line late on May 2. Reconnoitering that night, his party was confused for Union cavalry and was hit by friendly fire. Struck three times, twice in the left arm and once in the right hand, he was taken from the field. His left arm was quickly amputated, but his health began to deteriorate as he developed pneumonia. After lingering for eight days, he died on May 10. In learning of Jacksons wounding, Lee commented, Give General Jackson my affectionate regards, and say to him: he has lost his left arm but I my right. Selected Sources Virginia Military Institute: Thomas Stonewall JacksonCivil War: Stonewall JacksonStonewall Jackson House
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Self-Efficacy Tools in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus Assignment
Self-Efficacy Tools in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus - Assignment Example In Type 1 diabetes mellitus there is an autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic beta cells and insulin is not synthesized in adequate amounts. While in case of Type II diabetes mellitus, the liberated insulin fails to act due to dysfunction of insulin receptor and hence GLUT 4 transporters are not upregulated in the cell membrane from the cytoplasm. Under this condition, glucose cannot enter the cells and cannot be used a source of energy, which leads to the breakdown of alternate sources like protein and fats in the cells. Further increased blood glucose creates an increased osmotic gradient and diuresis occur in the renal tubules and patient offer suffers from hypovolemic shock (Albisser et al., 2001) (Spellman, 2009). Although various factors both external and internal contribute to the increased levels of blood glucose in the body, it has been widely accepted that proper self-care and lifestyle modifications to alleviate the complications of both Types I or Type II diabetes mell itus(Albisser et al., 2001) (Spellman, 2009). Psychosocial factors like depression and emotional issues have been correlated with self-care behaviors and have shown to negatively impact the glycemic control. Studies have also reflected the associations between the emotional condition and self-care behaviors that negatively impact HB1Ac levels (Cohen, Shmukler, Ullman, Rivera & Walker, 2010). The associations between the self-care activities and diabetic control are measured by regression equations which predict the value of one variable from the value of another and also the way one variable impacts another variable positively or negatively (Michelis et al., 2010). With these guiding principles, a group of community clinicians noted an increase in the prevalence of hyperglycemia and other complications of diabetes mellitus.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Social Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Social Media - Essay Example Always on the front edge of emerging trends and fads as an integral element of standard business practices, those involved in public relations have been eager to use social media as a powerful new tool in their arsenal. However, the problem with using social media in this way is intrinsically related to the reason it has such transformative power to begin with. Social media has the power to transcend all borders, infiltrate every language system and instantly connect with a world that is ready and waiting to connect back - that is its strength. Yet this ability to connect to such a strong degree also has the ability to deliver erroneous messages instantly, fails to take into consideration the possibility that what is acceptable in one place may be diametrically opposed to values held in another place and the people receiving these messages are just as capable of telling the world how much they like a product as they are of revealing its failures. One model that may be effective when using social media is the two-way symmetrical model of public relations suggested by J.E. Grunig. By more specifically defining what is meant by social media and examining what Grunig's two-way symmetrical model is, it is possible to understand the various ways social media may help to make this model effective as well as how it may hinder the process. Social media has expanded well beyond the simple concept of email lists and newsletters. By the time children reach college age, they have likely already become familiar with the idea of scanning codes for everything from buying groceries to checking in to a store for discounts. They are proficient in using the high-tech features and apps of smart-phones and have played at least one interactive, real-time online video game with friends living hundreds or even thousands of miles away that they may or may not have ever met in person. These friendships are forged through numerous social media outlets such as texting, chatting, tweeting o r something invented tomorrow. In the modern world, email has now become common for personal, educational and business use; Twitter and Foursquare have become the new favorite means of keeping up with friends; news of the world is delivered via YouTube video, streaming video or status updates sent directly to an iPhone or similar device; and texting gives one the convenience of online chatting without the necessity of being chained to a desk. â€Å"Nowadays, we think nothing of emailing our aunts in Germany and getting an answer back within minutes, or seeing the latest streaming video full of up to the minute news†(Boswell, 2006). Information is able to travel literally at the speed of sound - traveling around the world in as little as a few minutes. For those who have grown up within this emerging technology, not only is it expected that instant answers to any possible question that might arise will be found, but that the answer should prove both entertaining and engaging while it informs. Through networking sites such as Facebook and Tumblr, this information can be requested directly from friends, former customers, and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Importance of work groups in organizations Essay Example for Free
Importance of work groups in organizations Essay Work groups help members to feel that they belong to a group that is unique and worthy to be in. the group belief that it can perform well as a team and be more effective than when they are apart. The groups develop positive attitude and good behavior which help them to trust each other as they continue contributing to the group. The team ability to face challenge is strengthened and the group feels safe and is able to explore and use their best skill and cooperate to get job well done. The ideas and opinions of group members are appreciated and they understand and respect the qualities that make each one of them unique from the others in order to understand what each one of them is supposed to do. WAYS WORK GROUPS ARE RELATED TO ORGANIZATION OUTCOME The resources available are used efficiently without wastage of any one of them. Time is used well to do the duties allocated to group members and the budget set is well utilized to balance the income and expenditure of the organization. There is increased productivity and less supervision of employees and employees are motivated to perform activities that lead to success of the organization. IMPACT OF MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY ON HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Management philosophy helps to simplify activities which results to better performance because when the work to be done is simple, employees will be able to do it well and fast leading to high production. Costs go down in the purchase of raw materials and payment of workers and at the end of it all, profits margins will be high because revenue generated will be higher than the costs incurred in production. The basic skills help employees to do the job well and make contribution to the department they are assigned to work in because they will know what they are expected to do and do it perfectly. Employees will also have the full potential and are equipped to deal with changing demand in the organization. Good communication skills help to maintain safety in the work place and serve customers well. Employees are motivated and are satisfied with the job and problems are solved which results to growth in the organization. REFERENCE Odiorne George; Strategic Management of Human resource; Jossey-Bass, 1984.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay on John Milton’s Paradise Lost - Defense for the Allegory of Sin
Defense for the Allegory of Sin and Death in Paradise Lost Milton claims his epic poem Paradise Lost exceeds the work of his accomplished predecessors. He argues that he tackles the most difficult task of recounting the history of not just one hero, but the entire human race. However, he does not appear to follow the conventional rules of an epic when he introduces an allegory into Paradise Lost through his portrayal of Sin and Death in Book II. Some readers denounce his work for this inconsistency, but others justify his action and uncover extremely important symbolism from this "forbidden" literal device. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines an epic "a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero" ("epic," def. 1) and allegory as "the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence" ("allegory," def. 1). Based on these definitions, it is unclear whether allegories fit into a true epic. From one perspective, such extended symbolism is not appropriate because it relies on "fictional figures" whereas an epic is based on a "historical hero". For this reason, some readers may dislike Milton’s extended symbolism of Sin and Death since it violates the traditional form of an epic. However From another point of view, an allegory is an acceptable literary component to an epic because it is considered an element of "elevated style". Therefore, other readers may see nothing wrong with Milton’s literary decision. Milton’s poetic license entitles him to write as he pleases and therefore justifies his adaptation of an allegory into his epic. It is clearly apparent that Milton recognizes this privilege when... ...ilton relies heavily on the Bible for much of his information. With Milton’s timeframe and era for writing Paradise Lost in mind, we can justify his choice to incorporate an allegory into his epic. Allegories present meanings on two levels, one literal and the other hidden, which often expresses a moral or idea produced by the author. With this in mind, the allegory is key to understanding many parts of Paradise lots since Milton addresses so many issues in this one scene. Within the allegory alone, we discover extensive symbolism and wonder if there are more details to be uncovered each time we study the epic. Milton effectively elicits his readers’ attention by raising such controversy and holds our fascination with his intriguing hidden ideas, meanings, and symbolic relationships. Works Cited Milton, John. Paradise Lost. New York: W.W. Norton, 1993. Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Migration and the Gender Roles Essay
In this paper I will analyze the research and data devoted to the issue of migration and changing gender roles; I will investigate the dynamics of the gender roles within the families on the move. Undoubtedly, migration has a significant influence on gender roles and the construction of gender identities. The first important trend is connected with the new role of women. Migration breaks the traditional way of life, so women become more independent and self-responsible. Within the family migrant women also imposes their new gender roles. Parvati Raghuram states that migration leads to â€Å"critique of patriarchy†(Raghuram 2004) on the larger scale. Bertil Egero in the preface to Lisa Eklund’s study of the migration inside China refers to migrating women as to the,â€Å" pioneers also in terms of the gender role models they represent, a sharp break with the traditional subordinated roles of rural women. †(Eklund 1999) This trend gradually evolves into the second phenomenon associated with the balance of power within families on the move. Smits, Mulder and Hooimeijer state that joint decision-making requires equal power balance within couples. Their data from the mid-nineties Netherlands shows that men are becoming tied stayers, while women are tied movers in the modern society. This view is supported by Keith Halfacree, who states that tied migration, â€Å"has been shown to have a clear gender dimension; it is usually the female migrant who is ‘tied’†¦[but] labour migration will become ‘de-gendered’. †(Halfacree 2004) More equality and higher responsibility of both partners is noted within the families on the move. I consider that my outlook and personal position couldn’t bias my interpretation significantly. I analyses the data and research papers attentively and objectively. Still, I believe women becoming more independent to be a positive trend and consequence of migration. But I must admit that gender roles are the cornerstone of every cultural tradition, so Westernization of migrant families can jeopardize cultural diversity. References Eklund, L. 1999. Gender roles and female labour migration  a qualitative field study of female migrant workers in Beijing.PROP Report No 29 www. soc. lu. se/prop/LisaEklund. PDF Smits J. , Mulder C. H. , Hooimeijer P. Changing Gender Roles, Shifting Power Balance and Long-distance Migration of Couples. Urban Studies, March 2003 Halfacree, K. Untying migration completely: de-gendering or radical transformation? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jan 2004 Raghuram, P. The difference that skills make: gender, family migration strategies and regulated labour markets. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jan 2004.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A man to be admired Essay
Looking at the â€Å"holy†concept, the fact that Proctor’s death was part of the reason why it stopped steadily, it seems as Miller depicts him as a 17th century version of Jesus. How Christians believe he died for their sins; Proctor dies for the welfare of those accused and the stop of this fundamental accusations. He did do wrong: he committed a sin. But doesn’t religion teach us about the road to redemption? Religious morals even allow sinners into heaven or paradise if in salvation. So therefore Proctor should be admired as he knows he has done wrong and which leads him to becoming a better man.. All throughout the play, there is friction between Proctor and Elizabeth, obviously due to the incident between Proctor and Abigail, but hope is at the horizon because funnily enough, the worst case scenario brings their relationship and marriage to its strongest point. Proctor attempts all that he can to regain her trust and forgiveness; even bribing her with land is attempted. Elizabeth, being supremely virtuous but with a flair of coldness, tries to forgive but the sense of Christian judgment still lays in her mind. Pride, revenge, fear, honesty, puritan ethics, and honesty are some of the themes in The Crucible, but these are the ones that apply to Proctor. Revenge had put Proctor in fear of losing his beloved wife, Elizabeth, by Abigail. Abigail had seen Elizabeth from more than an inconvenience to a threat. Proctor restricted himself from his feelings and even the subject, when spoken to her. This now showed her only vulnerability, her feelings for him, which is ultimately the reason for this havoc. Self-interest. Fear is what drove the hysteria on; the risk of facing the devil had put people in positions of self-interest and paranoia. How can a man of such caliber be down played? He had raised a family, even though he divorced his 1st wife and married Elizabeth, brought them up in religious fashion, tend his land, helped those in need, is respected by the village and does good deeds. To conclude, John Proctor’s integrity has such a overcoming substance, and the way Miller captures it is just admirable. He faces death, just to keep his name clean, to live or die with respect. For him to go through so many calamities and distress that the only time he feels at peace is when he dies. And he still remains as an admirable figure after he’s public confession of being an adulterer. He put his own wife in front of himself, just to receive her forgiveness and trust. â€Å"He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him! †Elizabeth accepts it, the only way; his death is the answer to all their problems. His Christian morals and beliefs lead him to becoming a better man; a man with faith is a man to be admired in my opinion. He knows that even if he confesses a lie, he can not base the remainder of his life on another lie, which will then jeopardize his relationship; other innocent people will die and will evidently never forgive himself. Overall, Proctor is a: religious, emancipated, loving, family, integrity-filled and respected man, and if these are not the quality of being admirable then I do not know what is. John Proctor, a man to be admired. Discuss. By Ranja Faraj Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Falling Out of a Tree essays
Falling Out of a Tree essays It was a boring, hot summer day and I had nothing to do. What could I do that I hadn't done every other day this summer? I walked blindly around the house like a zombie until I thought of the perfect solution: I was going to climb the massive tree in the back yard. I passed my mom as I made my way out back. "What are you up to now," she began to inquire. "I think I'm going to climb that tree," I replied as I pointed to the behemoth of a tree. She began to do the motherly thing by trying to talk me out of it, but I already had my mind set; I was going to climb the tree and there was nothing she could do not stop me. I walked over to the looming tree and tried to find a branch that my short arms could reach. It wasn't long before I found one and was hoisting myself up into the tree. My heart was pounding and hands were sweating as I pulled myself higher and higher into the tree. Foot by foot, branch by branch, I reached higher and higher in the tree. How exciting, and scary, it was to be this high up! I stopped climbing for a couple minutes to catch my breath and look at the view. I felt as though I was flying over the ground, looking down at everything below; my mom looked almost half her normal size! I climbed up a few more branches until I got to a big, knotted branch. I decided that I would sit and rest before I went any further. The branch was firmly attached to the tree so I never thought that I could fall. As I looked out over my yard I started thinking, why not just climb higher...what is the risk of actually falling? At this point I had nothing to fear. I was already this far up and nothing had gone wrong yet, so what were the chances that something would happen? I started to stand up, my legs shaking from exhaustion. Climbing that high up had been a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. Though my arms and legs were tired I decided to keep climbing. After a few branches, I came to a gap in the tree. There w...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Beginners Guide Tenses of Latin Verbs
A Beginner's Guide Tenses of Latin Verbs Latin is an inflected language where the verbs include a lot of information about the sentence. Sometimes the verb is the only word in the sentence. Even without a noun or pronoun, a Latin verb can tell you who/what the subject is. It can also tell you the time frame, interval, or tense. When you parse a Latin verb, you deconstruct these and other facets of the Latin. When you parse a Latin verb, you list the following: Meaning/translationPersonNumberMoodVoice (active/passive)Tense/aspect Tense, as mentioned, refers to time. In Latin, there are 3 simple and 3 perfect tenses, a total of 6, and they come in both active and passive forms. Moods in Different Tenses The Indicative Mood is the most common and thats what this page is about. You need to make note of the mood when parsing a verb. Most statement sentences use the indicative. In English, we generally contrast indicative with conditional sentences, although English has the Latin moods (Indicative, Subjunctive*, and Imperative**). Present Tense The first of the simple tenses in the Indicative Mood is the present tense. The present tense in the Indicative Mood has both Active and Passive voices. The present tense shows action that is happening now. I walk - ambulo Latin Imperfect Tense The next tense is the imperfect, which conveys incompleted action in the past. Imperfect means incomplete or unfinished. When translating an imperfect verb, the simple past tense sometimes works. Other times, was plus an -ing ending on the verb or used to plus the verb will convey the incompleted past action. I was walking - ambulabam The imperfect tense in Latin is used for both continuous and habitual actions in the past. Latin Future Tense The third tense is the future tense. A verb in the future tense conveys an action that will happen in the future. The customary auxiliary verb denoting the future tense is will. He will walk - ambulabit The 1st person singular future ambulabo is translated I shall walk technically. Most people in the U.S., if not in the rest of the anglophone world, would say I will walk. The same is true of the 1st person plural ambulabimus: technically, its we shall walk, but in custom, its we will walk. In the second and third person, its just will without qualification. Latin Verb Endings Active Singular -o, -m-s-t Active Plural -mus-tis-nt Passive Singular -or, -r-ris-tur Passive Plural -mur-mini-ntur Perfect Active Endings Singular -i-isti-it Plural -imus-istis-erunt (sometimes -ere) Past Tenses Past or perfected tenses are used for completed actions. There are 3 such tenses: Perfect,PluperfectFuture perfect. Latin (Past) Perfect Tense Generally simply called the perfect tense, this tense refers to an action that has been completed. Either a simple past tense ending (e.g., -ed) or the auxiliary verb have conveys the perfect tense. I walked - ambulavi You may also translate it: I have walked. Latin Pluperfect Tense A verb is in the pluperfect tense if it was completed prior to another. Usually the auxiliary verb had signifies a pluperfect verb. I had walked - ambulaveram Latin Future Perfect Tense Future perfect is used to convey an action that will have been completed prior to something else. Will have are the customary auxiliary verbs. I will have walked - ambulavero * More advanced: In the Subjunctive Mood, there are 4 tenses, both active and passive: Present,Imperfect,Perfect, andPluperfect. ** There is ordinarily one Latin tense in the Imperative Mood, with both active and passive forms.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Crime of Computer Tampering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Crime of Computer Tampering - Essay Example The first has to do with the fact that there was every evidence that the defendant used the computer program unauthorized. This part of the debate may not be as much argumentative as the second, which has to do with the intension with which the defendant shut the computer down even though that action of shutting the computer down destroyed important computer data. In the first instance, not much can be said in favor of the defendant because he was guilty of the count of not seeking permission. But as far as the law on computer tampering does not come clear on whether or not a person must break both parts of the law before the person could be charged, lawyers of the defendant could still have a lot to argue in court. They could for example ask for evidence that the defendant took his action intensionally and base on that to plead for him. With reference to the court not accepting the defense that the defendant was not guilty of altering the programs because he did not change them, very little could be said in the defendant’s favor because the law only determines the end result and not the means to the end. Actually, as far as the single action of shutting down the computer resulted in the destruction of some the functioning of the computer, there is no way such defense could be
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